We understand your pain.
It sucks to get hurt, not be able to play, to have surgery, and to incur expenses and time lost, and not be able to do what you want because of it.
Don’t settle for living in a cycle of pain and dysfunction through life.
Heights Performance helps you survive and thrive in life, even in the midst of setbacks.
Get back to the things you love: family, adventure, work, and play.
Accomplish your goals and be your best self with
A Map to a Better You through Heights Physical Therapy.
Confused? Let us help you...
We know the mental toll an injury can play as well as the toll it takes on our relationships and lives.
We understand the daily struggle with disability and how it affects life.
We walk through the challenges with people and we know how to meet you where you are.
Heights Physical Therapy Services
We are skilled clinicians - highly trained to diagnose & treat musculoskeletal problems.
We are experts in functional movement - able to teach you how to move better & decrease injury risk.
We are relational - we will listen to where you are at and help you get where you want to go.
Physical Therapy is low risk, and is cost and time well spent. You WILL see a change, look at things differently, and know how to move differently.
We will support the process with recommendations: HEP, gear, other services, functional training for what you do.
PHysical Therapy
is an effective intervention for pain, injury, and dysfunction.
It sucks to get hurt, not be able to play, to have surgery and to incur expenses, time lost and not be able to do what you want because of it. We know the mental toll it plays and the toll it takes on our relationships and lives. We walk through the challenges with people and we know how to meet you where you are.
We guarantee you will have a different PT experience compared to other PT clinics. Try us- we're different.
Performance Training
Individual and Groups/Teams
Do you have a goal? Want to ride faster, move better, and reduce risk of injury? Stay strong to be a caregiver for a family member? Whatever your performance goals are - our staff can utilize the same philosophies in physical therapy to evaluate your movement and design a plan to help you reach your goals.
We know more than ever the importance of recovery to keep moving. We will guide you in how to incorporate it with rehab, training, and beyond. Ask us about our Recovery Memberships - get out there, and utilize our state of the art facility to help with post activity recovery. We’ve got the gear!
We are committed to helping make youth programming well rounded and holistic. Coaches and program directors often don’t have the time and resources to do and be everything - that’s where Heights comes in. We are here to help in other areas so that you can focus on your athletes and participants and together we make your program better.
We provide support to local athletes, coaches, and families.
We help with injury risk reduction.
Sport Specific Functional Movement Training.
Speed and Agility Training.
Nutrition for Sport.
Mental Training - we help coach your coaching staff and athletes about the mental angle to their sport, performance, competition, and come-backs that carry over to skills throughout life.
Youth Programming
We are passionate in helping young athletes develop healthy movement patterns and habits for life. We offer private training, group, and team training as well. And if needed, we will walk alongside your injured youth to help get them back in the game.
Not in Gunnison or Crested Butte? No problem - we will schedule with you via a HIPPA-secure site to evaluate you and see if we are the best fit to help you reach your goals and feel better.
Nutrition plays a critical role in healing, recovery, function, and disease and injury prevention. We believe it’s a necessity in achieving optimal healing and function.
If you are struggling with pelvic floor pain or dysfunction, you are in good hads with our pelvic floor specialist, Tia Williams.
Mental Training
The mind plays a powerful role in our recovery and our performance. It is necessary to address mindset in recovery and performance. We address it daily during physical therapy, and we work with other professionals in the field of psychology to get you where you want to go.
Massage Therapy
Both when there is an issue to be dealt with - recovering post op/ or post injury - and to keep you functioning at your best, the benefits of massage help with your tissue recovery and therefore help with your ongoing performance as well as warding off tissue injury. We offer Massage Therapy within our facility, and are also happy to work with other local providers.