Home Remedies for Fatigue, Sore Throat, Fever and Other Symptoms
HOME REMEDIES for fatigue, sore throat, fever and other symptoms.
Here are some home remedies, in addition to a colorful diet and a healthy lifestyle, to help you stay well and should you need, to combat fatigue, sore throat, headache, low grade fever or body aches.
Tired? Really treasure your sleep time in a cool, dark, quiet bedroom without your cell phone next to you head. Sleep 7-8 restful hours. Consider adding a B-complex as 1 with breakfast and cut out sugar; limit caffeine to 1-2 servings daily; more caffeine is not better. Add a green, white or matcha tea or just more water in place of more coffee. Regular, daily movement and exercise; preferably outside at least part of the time.
Sore throat? Good old fashioned salt water gargles are great! Or make a honey (w/ or w/o fresh lemon juice) slurry and hold it in your mouth allowing it to coat the back of your throat. Zinc and elderberry lozenges 2-4 per day. And one of my all time favorites is the cold to warm neck compress. Make sure you are not chilled when you start. Run a washcloth under COLD or VERY COLD water. Ring out. Wrap around neck open in the back. Cover with non-cotton scarf or shirt. Rest or fall asleep. Once washcloth is warm to touch it may be removed.
Headache? Try a warm foot bath with a cool cloth to your forehead or at the base of your skull. Relax and bundle up so you don't chill. Add extra magnesium rich foods or a magnesium supplement. Drink water. Light exercise.
Low grade fever? My all time favorite is the naturopathic WET or WARMING SOCK TREATMENT. Warm your self near the fire, with hot tea or in the bath. Make sure feet are nice and warm. Apply COLD, WET COTTON SOCKS, that have been rung out. Put non-cotton fleece or wool socks over and lie down. Relax or go to sleep. The socks may stay on all night or be removed once the cotton socks are warm to touch. Also great for head congestion, ear aches, sore throat. Recommended when temperature is above 99 degrees or may cause you to become chilled. Cool compresses, fewer clothes, cold drinks like ice water and a smoothie made with frozen berries will also cool you off.
Body Aches? Yoga, stretching, mindfulness, Homeopathic Gelsemium, magnesium or a funny movie to take your mind off them. Warm bath with added lavender or Epsom salts.